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Using our wealth of experience teaching and coaching, we design drills to meet the needs of our students. While the mechanics and concepts of what we teach remain consistent, the drills we use to instruct students are constantly evolving. All drills are constructed with careful thought and creativity to ensure students are in an environment where they can achieve their maximum potential. We are passionate about hockey development and are consistently developing new methods and concepts to teach our students. 



Students will receive in-depth technical instruction in the bio-mechanics of each skill. Skills will be taught, demonstrated and corrected progressionally. All technical instruction is taught with clear communication both visually and verbally to ensure that students understand what is being taught and why it is being taught. 

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With over 20 years of professional full-time instructing experience, Mike has developed thousands of players from the house-league, rep and junior levels. Mike has helped many players achieve their goals of reaching the OHL, NCAA and professional levels of hockey. Additionally, Mike has coached numerous teams to league and provincial championships in both the GTHL and OWHA.  

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